Brian Hand on the Tricolour
Brian Hand (Lecturer and Head of Sculpture and Expanded Practice Department) has written about the origins of the Irish tricolour 'The fabric of a deathless dream:A short introduction to the origins and meanings of the 1916 tricolour flag.' Its available to read in NIVAL's reference library.
Female Irish Republican supporters pose for a photograph with an Irish tricolour to publicise a meeting in mid-1916.
Flags have been traditionally used as a statement of communication - In the science of symbols and meanings, semantics, the word 'banner' the original term for flag is a collective term that contains two meanings;
Sinéad Kennedy, Flags from Grandland, 2020. Photograph by Cáit Fahey. (Image Source)
Read about Sinéad OK's project 'Grand Land' where she explores creating civic paraphernalia for this world. You can read the article here