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Research Question
What is the role of Arts Education in promoting positive mental health for Teenagers?
Databases and Library Catalogues like search strings/keywords not full sentences.
Key Concepts: Arts Education, Positive Mental Health, Teenagers
Secondary Concepts: Role, Performative
What is the role of Arts Education in promoting positive mental health for Teenagers?
Keywords from the Concept words:
Teenagers - Use a Thesaurus to collect Synonyms
Teens, Teenagers, Adolescent, Adolescents, Adolescences, 'young people', youth
Arts Education and Positive Mental Health.
Positive Mental Health - Mental Wellness, Wellness, Positive, Mental Health
You can now use these word to create search strings using Boolean Operators: AND , OR and * to create a comprehensive search of a database or a catalogue.
Arts Education AND Teens AND Teenagers And Mental Wellness AND Mental Health AND Positive
Check out our video below for some tips on developing a research question.