Want to visit NIVAL?
Click on the link below to find out how to visit NIVAL and get the most out of your experience searching through one of a kind items in their expansive archive!
The National Irish Visual Arts Library
Don't forget that as an NCAD student you have the visual arts archive, NIVAL, at your finger tips! NIVAL collects, stores and makes accessible for research an unparalleled collection of documentation about Irish art in all media. NIVAL’s collection policy includes Irish visual art from the whole island as well as Irish art abroad and non-Irish artists working in Ireland. Information is acquired on artists, designers, galleries, arts organizations and institutions, critics and other related subjects.
Cuala Press Yeats Prints Catalogue |
Discover more beauitful items like the sample from Dolmen Press Collection Materials above on NIVAL's website. http://www.nival.ie/