Art, Set Decoration & Lighting Department
Directed by Michael Rouse, Produced by Michael Rouse, In The Crew (Los Angeles, CA - Venice: TMW Media Group, 2005)22 minutes
This video, directed by Michael Rouse, features film technicians discussing the job demands and creative aspects of the art, set decoration, and lighting departments.
Directed by Nick Havinga, Performed by Walter Terry, Jess Meeker, Marjorie Tallchief, Set design by Allen Edward Klein, Produced by Dan Gallagher (Aviva Films Ltd., 2007)28 minutes
Illustrations of the art of the ballerina. Excerpts from "Giselle" "Swan Lake", "Ariadne", and "Claire de Lune". Performance by Marjorie Tallchief, prima ballerina of the Harkness Ballet; and James Clouser, Ballet Master of Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet; and with commentary by Walter Terry, dance critic for The New York Herald Tribune. Piano accompaniment is by Jess Meekers. The dance excerpts here illustrate how dance body language defines the characters in the story.
Written by Bruce Petty, Directed by Bruce Petty, Performed by David Gulpilil, Reg Livermore, Anna Volska, John Bell, Costumes by Susan Bowden, Produced by Ron Saunders, Suzanne Baker, Film Australia, In The Bruce Petty Collection, 1978 (Acton, Australian Capital Territory: Australia. National Film and Sound Archive, 1978)19 minutes
A visual onslaught of artistic ideas, showing how art relates to and intertwines with our daily lives. Art, personified here as an opera-singing Valkyrie, hang-glides down from the clouds to check on the state of the arts in Australia - from painting, writing and music to dance, theatre, puppetry and sculpture. Featuring John Bell, Anna Volska, Reg Livermore, Rory O'Donohue, David Gulpilil and the work of Thomas Keneally and Patrick White among others, this is a phantasmagoria of filmic effects.
The Traditions of Performing Arts in Japan
Directed by Hajime Funatsu, Produced by Destination Education, In Japan, The Land & Its People, Episode 1 (Lincoln, NE: Destination Education, 1990) 42 minutes
Features a scene from Adachigahara that illustrates Noh. Includes a bunraku excerpt from Tsubosaka-kannon Regigenki highlighting the role of the narrator and the puppeteers. Offers scenes from Yoshitsume showing the flamboyant scenery, exaggerated gestures, colourful makeup and acrobatics of kabuki.